I’m thrilled to welcome Jenny Lee Sulpizio as my guest today! Jenny’s a blogging friend of mine, and I remember one of the first posts I’d read of hers. She talked about potty training struggles, and I knew right then that this girl understood my life. 🙂 Before we dive into the fun, let’s learn the basics about her.
Jenny Lee Sulpizio is an author, wife, and Christian mother of three. She is actively involved in her church and community and enjoys doing anything even remotely creative with her free time. Jenny is the author of two children’s books and is represented by Mary Sue Seymour for her Women’s Christian Non-fiction works-in-progress.
Welcome, Jenny! Now on to the questions…
Opener Question: What seven words best describe you? I just need one word: “Blessed.”
Either/Or Questions:
1) Home for the holidays or Christmas in the car? Home sweet Home.
2) Snow or sun? Snow in the winter and sun in the summer. I’m crazy that way 🙂
3) Sugar cookies or chocolate chip? CHOCOLATE CHIP…one big fat tub of it. Raw or baked, I do not care. 🙂
4) Ski down the slopes or read in the lodge? The lodge, with hot cocoa (or hot toddy), preferably.
5) Hot chocolate or hot apple cider? Hot chocolate, extra whipped cream, sprinkles and a cherry on top.
6) Red or green? Ooh, this is deep. RED! No wait, GREEN!
7) Shop online or shop at the mall? The mall. Oh, how I love me a mall.
Fun answers, Jenny! I loved your cookie answer. I don’t turn down cookies in any form either. And that is one dressed-up hot chocolate you have there! Yum! I’ll join you in the lodge and sip that hot cocoa while reading a book. 🙂
Thanks for being here today!
There’s Just Something About a Boy (Ajoyin, 2011), is a children’s keepsake picture book that celebrates the special bond between a mother and her newborn son by depicting the love, laughter, and unparalleled adventure that will surely come from raising a little boy.
Mommy Whispers (Isaac, 2010), is a children’s keepsake picture book that depicts the special relationship between a mother and her daughter though each stage of their lives and ultimately, the power of prayer and faith in God throughout it all.
Both books are available for purchase on Amazon.com as well as other online book stores.
If you’d like to connect with Jenny, you can find her at her website, on Facebook, and on Twitter.
Blog Readers: Let’s talk…How do you dress up your hot chocolate? If you’re spending an afternoon in the ski lodge, what’s your drink and book of choice?
*flower photo by Twigy Posts
I would love to win.
I’ve got you entered, Angela! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Lots of whipped cream in the hot chocolate! Maybe caramel and sea salt on top? 🙂
Oh yum, Bekah! I never met a chocolate/caramel combo I didn’t like. 🙂
I like adding a bit of French Vanilla coffee to my hot chocolate. Yummy! My late husband introduced me to that treat.
What a great idea, Susan! I’ve got some French vanilla coffee sitting around, so I’ll have to try that. Thanks for the tip! 🙂
When I drink hot chocolate, I want to make it with a sauce pan, sugar, cocoa, and water to cook a syrup, then I pour in rich milk (no 2%, 1%, or skim here, folks). Stir and heat until just good ‘n hot. Pour into mugs and top with several large marshmallows. Allow to melt a bit. Consume!
I should have said I have 3 girls and 2 boys all grown now and they have given me 13 wonderful grands – ages 9 months to 24 years. I would love either or both of the books, treasure them, and wonder which of the kids would receive such a treasure.
Oh wow, Vera, you make the real deal of hot chocolate, don’t you? Can I sneak over to your house for a cup? 🙂 (Thanks for reposting, by the way. Sounds like you must stay busy with all those grandkids. :))
Actually, not as busy as I would like. They are in California, Texas, Georgia, and North Carolina. They are all beautiful and wonderful – just as their parents are/were. <3
Yep, the real thing if I'm going to drink hot chocolate. My husband likes the little packets of instant, but I prefer hot tea (have you tasted some of the Christmas teas???) or coffee.
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Vera Godley
Children’s author interview & giveaway: https://sarahforgrave.com/2011/12/12/meet-and-greet-with-author-jenny-lee-sulpizio-plus-a-childrens-book-giveaway/
Meet and Greet with Author Jenny Lee Sulpizio (Plus a Children’s Book Giveaway!)
Meet and Greet is a regular feature on my blog. Be
My son and I have recently found that we love my Peppermint mocha creamer inside hot chocolate! Very yummy.
I’m a huge peppermint mocha fan, Heather. I never thought to mix it with hot chocolate. Yum!
Fun interview Sarah and Jenny. I would agree with hanging out in the warm ski lodge with a book; I mean after I hit the slopes for maybe just a quick hour.
A quick hour…If you’re like my hubby, that hour would turn into four…or five. 🙂
OK, everyone will think I’m weird, but I don’t really like to drink hot liquids. I’m not sure why. Maybe I burned my lips and throat one too many times as a kid attempting to drink hot chocolate when we went camping.
I always did love marshmallows in it. I’d like them up off the top. But then leave most of the hot chocolate. 🙂
And by like, I mean lick.
Too funny, Lindsay! I know what you mean about burning. I always hate it when I burn my tongue…the sting doesn’t go away for a long time! 🙂
Thanks for the fun interview, ladies. That sounds like yummy hot chocolate, although I’d pass on the cherry and add extra sprinkles. =)
I’d probably pass on the cherry too, Keli. Or I should say, I’d pass it on to my four-year-old. 🙂
Nice to meet you, Jenny!
I love my hot chocolate with whipped cream or marshmallows.
I can live with either.
LOL, Loree, Your last sentence made me think, “It’s a tough gig, but somebody’s gotta do it.” Such sacrifice. 😉
I dress up my hot chocolate with whipped cream and caramel drizzle. Definitely made with milk instead of water!
And I love me some malls! All malls! Any mall!
Okay, Tamika, if you bring the hot chocolate, I’ll take you to the mall. How’s that for a deal? 🙂
The cover art on that book is so wonderful! Sounds cute. I like hot chocolate with marshmallows or whipped cream. Pretty simple, but good enough for me!
Don’t the covers look beautiful, Cindy? Such neat book ideas!
Thanks, Sarah & Jenny! Jenny, The books look GREAT! And I loved your first answer. We are so blessed, aren’t we?
Have a great week, sweet Sarah!
Thanks, Melanie! I’m partial to that first answer too. 🙂
Thanks Sarah, for the intro to Jenny! I like marshmallows in my hot chocolate. 🙂
Can’t go wrong with the classic combo, right, Karen? 🙂
I’m passing on the Giveaway, but do like getting this behind-the-scenes glimpse into the life of a writer! … And wouldn’t I love an afternoon in a ski lodge, especially this time of year. I’d have a novel in my lap, and a fresh hot coffee on the table beside me 🙂
I’m right there with you, Joanne. I’ll make sure to get a babysitter so the lodge is actually quiet. 🙂
awww..Mommy Whispers sounds like an awesome book! i’d love to be entered to win!
oh, i twittered and facebooked it too! i really want that book! 🙂
LOL, I’ve got you entered, Jeannie! Three times. 🙂
Here’s how my daughter likes her hot chocolate: It has to be our homemade mix with lots and lots of whipped cream and just as many sprinkles. And she’ll drink this any time of year too!
These books sound delightful. I’ve posted this on FB and tweeted it too!
Sounds like your daughter is very particular about her hot chocolate, Beth. (And what girl isn’t? :)) Thanks for spreading the word!
I like my hot chocolate dark and rich. Then, it needs nothing else (though chili powder and cinnamon do make nice additions).
Oh wow, chili powder? I’ve never heard of that in hot chocolate! I’m scared of too-spicy foods, so I guess I’d try it in moderation. 🙂
Loving all of these answers, girls. I have to say that when I was preggers with my second child, I went through packet after sweet packet of h.c. My son definitely loves the stuff to this day which makes sense considering he lived off of it for so long.
Thanks again for hosting me, Sarah! Good luck everyone.
Lol, Jenny! I think both my kids will be addicted to ice cream because that was my pregnancy craving both times.
P.S., I loved hosting you! 🙂