I heard the whisper on an ordinary morning. I was standing at the kitchen sink, rinsing dishes and listening to my daughter’s chatter.
And yet, somehow it wasn’t an ordinary morning. I’d been grappling with doubts and questions, wondering what the next day would hold. The next month. The next year.
I felt myself wrestling with God, claiming the feelings of jealousy and lack of confidence as mine to hold. But then I heard it…
“Do you trust me?”
Rinse, splash, stack. “Yeah, God, of course I trust you. It’s what I’m supposed to do, right?”
“No, really…Do you TRUST me?”
I turned the water off and leaned against the counter. Oh. So He was asking me for real. Of course He already knew what was in my heart–the inner struggle, the tug-of-war.
And now He was laying it all out there.
“Do you TRUST me?”
I swallowed down the lump in my throat. “Oh Lord, I want to trust you. I really do. But how do I go about it? Show me.”
As my daughter’s chatter continued, I felt clarity expand my heart.
Trust is what my daughter places in me every day. She doesn’t question whether I’ll get her out of bed, change her diaper, get her dressed, and feed her breakfast. I just do it.
And I don’t have to question whether God will work all things out for my good, that He’ll never leave me nor forsake me. Those promises are in His Word. They are His words.
So tomorrow morning, I’ll get out of bed and go straight to my knees, making this daily surrender a habit of trust. Releasing the tension in my muscles that want to flex and hang on tight.
Letting Him have it all.
*photos by Twigy Posts
I’ve been so bad lately about listening, but this week I have needed direction so much….and I found that when I did the whole practice of truly BEING STILL…He was faithful to speak. I love His voice!!
He has a way of getting our attention when we most need it, doesn’t He, Bekah? 🙂
I love moments like that when He reaches down and speaks to us right where we are. Isn’t it amazing that He loves us enough to do that?! Awesome!
Yes it is, Julie! Especially when it happens in the most mundane tasks like dishwashing. 🙂
Not by accident that I read John 20 this a.m., when Thomas refused to believe in Jesus’ resurrection unless he saw and touched his wounds. Giving up my membership in the Doubters Club isn’t easy. . . .
I had a similar moment in Scripture this morning, Rachael. It seems like all the messages I’m receiving lately point to the same lesson. Okay, Lord, I’m listening…
Loved this post when I heard it on the phone. Love it again now.
Trust. Surrender. Being loved on by our Father.
~ Wendy
The timing of your phone call was so providential, Wendy. I love it when God does that.
Beautiful post, Sarah. Sometimes I’ll be grappling with a piece of scripture that I just can’t get. Then someone–or something–completely steps into my life to show me the truth about where I’ve been struggling. Very neat.
I agree, Heidi. I love when God uses others to beat His message into us (gently, of course). 🙂
I am so thankful our Heavenly Father is patient with us! Thanks for sharing this. 🙂
I’m thankful too, Karen! This lesson is one I must be reminded of often. 🙂
What a timely post–“surrender” has been coming up a lot in my prayers too.*hugs*
Hugs, Jill!
Oh Sarah, you are soooo not alone! I’m a worrywart by nature and trusting God is one of the hardest things for me…especially as a writer, since in that profession, nothing seems to be “sure” and everything takes forever.
And by the way, your post title made me think of Aladdin. Hehe.
You are so right about this profession, Lindsay. And funny, I didn’t think of Aladdin when I wrote this…It’s been ages since I saw that movie! 🙂
Surrender. It’s like the most powerful thing we can do it life…and also the hardest. 🙂
Well, I think I’ve shared this a lot here and there, but I had a really crappy past winter…in which I questioned why I’m writing, what my purpose is in general, felt burnt out and just disappointed in my writing/personal/spiritual life. But as spring approached, I finally shut up long enough to listen to God…telling me to trust him, surrender, let go of trying to control things on my own. And since then, I’ve definitely felt a downpour of his blessings!! It’s been…awesome.
I don’t think it’s a magic formula…suddenly do the right thing and boom, you get everything you want. But I do think as we learn to trust him more and more, as surrender becomes, like you said, a daily choice, we begin to see more clearly the way he’s at work in our lives every single day… 🙂
Your devotional at ACFW was such divine timing, Melissa. It’s like God had been beating me over the head, and you nailed it. (Not in a violent way, thank goodness.) 🙂
Sometimes God speaking to me over doing dishes is more powerful than in a room full of people worshiping on Sunday morning. Love this!
I’ve struggled with so many things at different stages in my life. It always has to do with obedience which boils down to trust. Do you trust me? I’ve been asked that. I don’t normally post links to my blog posts in comments, but I wanted to share this one with you. 🙂 Especially with the Alladin comment above. 🙂
Oohhh, I can’t wait to read, Jessica. Thank you!
Don’t you love when the Lord gets your attention, Sarah, and fills you with clarity? I’m so glad He met you at the kitchen sink the way He did.
I don’t normally “hear” from the Lord, at least not audibly, so the one time that’s happened stands out. I talked about it in a guest post I wrote for Katie Ganshert’s blog: http://katieganshert.com/faith/4069/
Those unique God moments make my hair stand on end because I know Who’s talking. I look forward to following the link, Keli.
Your post was beautiful, Sarah. When the Holy Spirit falls upon us, sometimes, it’s truly a spine-tingling moment.
Years ago, I had no other choice but to surrender our son’s illness to God. We were at the end of our rope. Though God’s plan was different from ours, that season increased our faith.
Spine-tingling is a perfect way to describe it, Cynthia.
I’ve been hearing that same voice and words since we moved back home, trying to start a business and support ourselves while building a home. I have to trust Him. What is my alternative? Worry and believe me been there done that. Doesn’t do any good. But I need articles like this to keep reminding me that’s what I should be doing! Thank you!
PS I heard on Sunday, Where He guides, He provides. Love it!
Ohhh, I love that quote, Terri! I’m going to hang it up near my desk. 🙂
This is such an awesome and honest post, Sarah.
Not too long ago, I finally surrendered to Him…you know, REALLY surrendered. I’ve let go and totally put myself in His hands. I feel different. I don’t question things anymore. I totally trust whatever comes my way, and REALLY know that He is working for my (and my family’s) good. I feel bolder and connected to Him. I feel I’m living honestly now.
There’s a big difference between pseudo-surrendering and REALLY surrendering, isn’t there, Loree? I’m so glad you’ve discovered freedom in trusting His plan.
Loved this post, Sarah! Thanks for sharing this. There have been a couple things for me this year, that I’ve had to turn competely over to the Lord. To trust Him to take care of it – to let Him have control. It’s scary at first, but those things have become less of a burden. And if I start to worry, I try to just remember that He’s got this – all I have to do is trust and keep doing my best to follow Him.
So well put, Stacy. And sometimes the things He’s calling us to surrender are the things we love most.
In answer to your question: All.the.time.
Oh, boy. Have I ever heard that whisper before. Sure have.
I love the fact that He talks to us so clearly. His sheep know His voice…
O, my gosh. I cannot tell you how much this spoke to me right now
God bless you for sharing.
Love this, Sarah!!!! Great reminder, my friend!